About Us

Popcorn Alley is, well, me! I’m Joe, and I am a movie addict.

I’ve spent countless hours mesmerized by motion pictures and the magic they can bring. Good movies, bad movies, and everything in-between has crossed my steely gaze at one point or another. This site has been built to store and share my reviews of the movies I’ve watched. Along with the occasional essay or blog post digging deeper into something I enjoy.

Reviews are archived in alphabetical format so that you can find an opinion on anything I’ve posted with just a couple clicks.

Where are the numbers?

I don’t review movies and assign a numerical score to them. It just seems like a shortcut people can take to determine something’s self-worth with arbitrary number games.

A review cannot ever be truly objective. These are opinions, nothing more, nothing less. If you disagree with a review, fantastic! That means you too have an opinion. And if you are on the fence about a movie and read a review that provides you with the information to make a decision that’s even better!

Heck, the ultimate goal is that you will read a review of a movie you have never heard about and suddenly want to see it. It’s exciting to be introduced to new things, isn’t it?

Will you review XYZ?

I don’t have as tight a focus as some other, awesome movie blogs. I watch a variety of films, from many different time periods. You will notice I gravitate toward low-budget action movies, but I am hardly exclusive to them. Some genres will receive little love, such as horror movies, with my desire to watch them fairly limited.

So…I guess expect variety and, hopefully, one or two unexpected movies.

Why do the screenshots look so bad?

A lot of the movies I watch are low-budget B-movies and are only available in poorly compressed collections. Some are even direct VHS rips. Remastering does not happen often to these sad films. And the quality of the screenshots reflects this. I do not retouch or edit these screenshots in any way, aside from some light cropping.

Hopefully, you can look past the grainy pictures to the heart and soul of the production on display. After all, if a movie is good, you won’t even notice the defects while you enjoy the show.

Can I have some popcorn?

Yeah, absolutely. I always bring enough to share.